Tatsoi Mustard, a versatile and visually striking green. Originally from China, this cool-season crop boasts dark green, spoon-shaped leaves that form a low-growing rosette, adding an attractive touch to gardens.
In the culinary realm, Tatsoi offers a mild, slightly peppery taste with a hint of sweetness and nuttiness. It's a flexible ingredient, perfect for salads, stir-fries, and more.
Growing Tatsoi from seed is simple. Plant them in well-draining, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Whether in your garden or containers, ensure proper spacing. Tatsoi thrives in cooler temperatures and partial shade in warm regions, while it can handle full sun in cooler climates. Adequate watering and moisture are essential for its growth.
When it's time to harvest, you have options. Pluck individual leaves as needed, or cut the entire rosette at its base. Regular harvesting encourages continuous growth, providing you with a steady supply of tender greens.